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Rockstar Games is Proud to Sponsor Movember

Rockstar Games is proud to be a major sponsor of Movember, the annual month-long celebration of the moustache, highlighting men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer. Grow a rugged moustache and send us a photo by the end of November for a chance to be immortalized as a character in Rockstar’s next epic – Red Dead Redemption.

Historically men have been very poor at looking after their health, especially when compared with the efforts of women. Men still access health services less frequently and when they do visit the doctor, they typically present late, thereby denying themselves the chance of early detection and treatment of common diseases.

Movember aims to change the face of men’s health and alter this way of thinking by putting a fun twist on the very serious issue of men’s health. For the entire month of November, men are encouraged to dedicate themselves to the lost art of moustache cultivation and elicit support from friends and family in the form of sponsorship and donations. Your transformation shows your support for the cause and gets people talking about the real issue of men’s health.

So this year Rockstar Games is sponsoring Movember with staff from Rockstar offices worldwide taking part. Join us by signing up on

If you sign up for the Rockstar Games Movember newsletter, you and your moustache will have the opportunity to have a cameo as a character in Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar’s latest open world blockbuster, coming out in 2010. Simply go to and register.

Join Rockstar Games in supporting Movember, and get the opportunity to be in one of the biggest videogames of 2010. Grow some handlebars for charity. Sculpt the full Fu Manchu for prostate cancer. There’s never been a better reason.

Register at
& then sign up for the Red Dead Redemption Movember Event at


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