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Battle Beat mixes instrument controllers with strategy on XBox Live

Can you keep the beat and crush your foes? Battle Beat offers a new experience in instrument-driven gameplay on the XBox360 Indie Games channel. Stegersaurus Games' research and marketing teams (consisting of two chimps and an iguana, all with Masters degrees) have discovered a thriving market in rhythm gaming. Daniel "Stegersaurus" Steger has combined this new emergent market with the industry staple of defense strategy games to make a revolutionary innovation in gaming. Battle Beat does away with pretend rockstardom, and puts you in the shoes of a commander in outer space who must be the hero and save your home world! Daniel Steger says "This new character role will re-ignite the games industry!"

Using instrument controllers, players coordinate squads of troops to battle over the fate of their nondescript post-apocalyptic home world, fighting off massive hordes of aliens. Battle Beat is designed to use controllers such as those that come with the Guitar Hero or Rock Band franchises (though a normal XBox360 controller may be used if desired) to give a fresh experience in rhythm game mechanics.

Stegersaurus Games is a one-man operation in Indie Game development run by Daniel "Stegersaurus" Steger out of his basement/office. Battle Beat is currently available on the XBox Indie Games channel for the price of 400 MSP.

Battle Beat can be found through the XBox Live Indie Games Marketplace at or more info about the game can be found at as well as a trailer of the game at

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